You forgot some of my favorite names Anthony Goldwire, Bill Curley, DeJuan Wheat, Shane Heal, and Stojko Vrankovic.
My main issue with the article is that Taylor was quoted saying "The other guys wanted to play..." My question is what other guys? Blount? Davis? Hassell? James? all of these guys were very disgruntled toward the end of the season, they didn't care just as long as there was a check being mailed every two weeks.
The only players that possibly could have wanted to be out on the floor giving it their all were guys like McCants, Foye, & Smith because they were (and still are) young players who have a lot to prove and at that point they were still trying to adjust to playing ball in the NBA. In this case Taylor was comparing a 12-year veteran who has played in 974 games for this franchise, a man who single handily lead his team to 8 postseasons in a row, winner of the 03-04 MVP award and future first ballot Hall of Famer, to McCants, Foye & Smith.
So Mr. Taylor, Glen if you are reading this post now is the time where you should stop and think are you really comparing Kevin aka "Da Kid", "The Big Ticket" "KG" Garnett's competitive nature and will-to-win with a bunch of rookies? Are you insane???
If anything I'm glad KG left the team early last year it helped us get a better draft pick. As well as, it helped him to get rested up so he could win a championship for a team NOT owned by Glen Taylor. And it is for that reason that I think we are hearing anything from Taylor at this point in the season. It must be killing him that KG and the Celtics owners (Wyc and Irv Grousbeck and Steve Pagliuca) are accomplishing what Taylor spent millions on over 12 years trying to accomplish building a championship team (especially because they built the team with two of the original "three-headed monster" from Taylor's only success as a owner: KG & Sam Cassell)
Now on a non-hater side of the argument, thank you Glen Taylor for saving our Wolves from relocating to New Orleans. Thank you for the under the table deal with Joe Smith COUGH...dumbass, oh sorry this is my positive paragraph. Now Taylor I'm glad to read that you are buying into the rebuilding concept, but please be patient. It will probably take us 3 more seasons to make the playoffs in the powerful Western Conference. Then another 3 to really be a title contender. So as the captain of the ship that is this team, I ask you to stay the course and we fans will not panic and jump ship instead we will opt to go along and enjoy the ride as the crew (players) learns how to get this ship running at 100% efficiency (NBA Champions) if even for one year.
My main issue with the article is that Taylor was quoted saying "The other guys wanted to play..." My question is what other guys? Blount? Davis? Hassell? James? all of these guys were very disgruntled toward the end of the season, they didn't care just as long as there was a check being mailed every two weeks.
The only players that possibly could have wanted to be out on the floor giving it their all were guys like McCants, Foye, & Smith because they were (and still are) young players who have a lot to prove and at that point they were still trying to adjust to playing ball in the NBA. In this case Taylor was comparing a 12-year veteran who has played in 974 games for this franchise, a man who single handily lead his team to 8 postseasons in a row, winner of the 03-04 MVP award and future first ballot Hall of Famer, to McCants, Foye & Smith.
So Mr. Taylor, Glen if you are reading this post now is the time where you should stop and think are you really comparing Kevin aka "Da Kid", "The Big Ticket" "KG" Garnett's competitive nature and will-to-win with a bunch of rookies? Are you insane???
If anything I'm glad KG left the team early last year it helped us get a better draft pick. As well as, it helped him to get rested up so he could win a championship for a team NOT owned by Glen Taylor. And it is for that reason that I think we are hearing anything from Taylor at this point in the season. It must be killing him that KG and the Celtics owners (Wyc and Irv Grousbeck and Steve Pagliuca) are accomplishing what Taylor spent millions on over 12 years trying to accomplish building a championship team (especially because they built the team with two of the original "three-headed monster" from Taylor's only success as a owner: KG & Sam Cassell)
Now on a non-hater side of the argument, thank you Glen Taylor for saving our Wolves from relocating to New Orleans. Thank you for the under the table deal with Joe Smith COUGH...dumbass, oh sorry this is my positive paragraph. Now Taylor I'm glad to read that you are buying into the rebuilding concept, but please be patient. It will probably take us 3 more seasons to make the playoffs in the powerful Western Conference. Then another 3 to really be a title contender. So as the captain of the ship that is this team, I ask you to stay the course and we fans will not panic and jump ship instead we will opt to go along and enjoy the ride as the crew (players) learns how to get this ship running at 100% efficiency (NBA Champions) if even for one year.